@article{oai:jin-ai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001403, author = {マイケル, クズィフ and Kuziw, Michael}, issue = {21}, journal = {仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間学部篇, Research journal of Jin-Ai University, Faculty of Human Studies}, month = {Feb}, note = {Homeroom teachers (HRTs) are a vital part of the classroom learning in elementary schools. The ability to comprehend whether an individual believes that he or she can achieve a goal, called self-efficacy, is at the center of the questions that make up this investigation. HRTs expertise in the ability to achieve student self-efficacy should not go unnoticed, despite the 2020 MEXT reform of the English as a foreign language (EFL). It is important to gain a full understanding of the impact that HRTs have on students as they learn English in their formative years, and what role they can play in the future of EFL education at the elementary school level. This research proposal hopes to identify the positive impact that HRTs contribute to the learning of EFL in the context of elementary schools.}, pages = {101--107}, title = {小学校の担任による生徒のEFL 授業の自己効力感の構築:研究提案}, year = {2023} }