@article{oai:jin-ai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000647, author = {加藤, 優子 and Kato, Yuko}, issue = {10}, journal = {仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間学部篇, Research journal of Jin-Ai University, Faculty of Human Studies.}, month = {Dec}, note = {It is imperative to develop intercultural competence as the number of people from different countries living in Japan increases. In order to promote cultural awareness, the researcher developed an intercultural training program using Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as an educational support tool for Japanese students in higher education. Since it was clear that teaching and learning methods using ICT were different from those in the textbooks, more profound research was necessary. In order to clarify some characteristics of the program, the researcher conducted interviews with fi ve skilled facilitators and researchers in the UK, the US, and Japan. The fi ndings showed that this original program should be implemented in a hybrid teaching and learning method. In addition, it was suggested that teachers need to monitor students' learning constantly; set and explain the aim of the program more precisely; and use both objective tests and subjective assessment for evaluation. In this paper, the results of the interviews will be described.}, pages = {33--39}, title = {高等教育における異文化トレーニング教育支援システム利用のための一考察 : 教師を対象にした面接調査より}, year = {2011}, yomi = {カトウ, ユウコ} }