@article{oai:jin-ai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000648, author = {紺渡, 弘幸 and Kondo, Hiroyuki}, issue = {10}, journal = {仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間学部篇, Research journal of Jin-Ai University, Faculty of Human Studies.}, month = {Dec}, note = {The present study aims to investigate the effects of inferential questions on learners' reading comprehension and motivation. Twenty university students were divided into two groups with equal English proficiency. After reading a short story, one group answered inferential questions about the story, while the other group fact-seeking literal questions. A brief questionnaire and a recall task were administered to examine their motivation and reading comprehension. They were also requested to give comments on the story. The analyses of gathered data indicated that the inferential questions could contribute to improving reading comprehension, enabling learners to grasp factual information as well as the fact-seeking literal questions, though the results of questionnaire showed no signifi cant difference in motivation between the two groups.}, pages = {41--47}, title = {推論を要求する発問の読みを促進する効果}, year = {2011}, yomi = {コンド, ヒロユキ} }