@article{oai:jin-ai.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000679, author = {加藤, 優子 and Kato, Yuko}, issue = {9}, journal = {仁愛大学研究紀要. 人間学部篇, esearch journal of Jin-Ai University, Faculty of Human Studies.}, month = {Dec}, note = {The necessity of intercultural understanding becomes more imperative with an increase in the number of people from different cultures living in Japan. As one of the ways to promote cultural awareness, the researcher undertook a joint study of developing an original intercultural training program using Information Communication Technology (ICT). It was developed as an educational support tool for the Japanese students who have few opportunities to communicate with foreign people. In order to implement the program effectively, profound research on teaching and learning methods of the intercultural training rogram using ICT is significant. This study, therefore, aims at clarifying some characteristics of teaching and learning methods of the intercultural training program using ICT.}, pages = {1--9}, title = {ICT を用いた異文化トレーニングの基礎的研究 : 高等教育における利用のための理論的整備に向けて}, year = {2010}, yomi = {カトウ, ユウコ} }